Terms of service.

Virtually Yours Assistant Service Disclaimer: 

“Client acknowledges and agrees that neither VYA Service (VYAS) nor its Assistants are licensed to perform any professional services or activities requiring a license or certification, including, but not limited to, real estate, brokerage, insurance, securities, medical, law, teaching, accounting, engineering, architecture, construction, surveying, compliance, counseling, or any other professional or occupational license or certification of any kind, and that Client will not use any Assistant in the performance of any such services or activities. The Client further acknowledges and agrees that the Client has consulted with the Client’s applicable licensing board(s), an attorney, and/or other qualified professional concerning the Client’s intended use of the VYAS, and understands what services the VA(s) can and cannot perform pursuant to applicable local, state, and/or federal licensing laws, regulations, and restrictions. The Client acknowledges and agrees that VYAS is not an attorney and has made no representation regarding what services or activities do or may require a license and has made no representation about whether any VYAS’s services or activities, or contemplated services or activities, do or may require a license, and Client acknowledges that Client is not relying on any such representations and has consulted with appropriate professionals concerning their intended use of the Assistants and are satisfied that their intended use will not violate any local, state, or federal licensing or other laws, regulations or restrictions. The Client agrees that the Client will not use or require any Assistant to perform any services or activities for which a license is or may be required. The Client further agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold VYA Service, and VYA Service’s owners, assistants, employees, officers, agents, contractors, licensors, suppliers, consultants, advisors, directors, managers, shareholders, successors, assigns, predecessors, affiliates, Assistants and members, harmless for any losses, claims, damages, costs, fees (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees and expert fees), fines, sanctions, awards, judgments, infringements, penalties, or injuries of any kind incurred by VYA Service’s, its Assistants, and/or any third party, which arise from Client’s use of Assistant(s) in the performance of any services or activities requiring a license or certification.”