BF&EP Series: 6) Should You Be on TikTok? Understanding Its Potential for Your Business

Welcome to part six of our 'Building Followers and Evaluating Platforms' blog series! In this post, we’re exploring TikTok—a platform known for its viral short-form videos and rapidly growing user base. If you’re a visual creative like a graphic artist, jewelry maker, or another kind of artisan, TikTok could be an exciting opportunity to showcase your work, drive traffic to your website, and inspire potential customers. Let’s dive into actionable tips to help you decide if TikTok is the right platform for your business and how to make the most of it if it is.

1. Assessing If TikTok Is Right for Your Business

Actionable Tasks:

  • Understand Your Audience: Determine if your target demographic is active on TikTok. The platform is popular among younger audiences, particularly Gen Z and Millennials.

  • Evaluate Content Style: Consider if you can create engaging, short-form video content that aligns with TikTok’s fast-paced, creative environment.

  • Test the Waters: Spend time on the app, engage with content similar to what you’d create, and see if it resonates with you.

Free Resources:

2. Creating a TikTok Business Account

Actionable Tasks:

  • Sign Up for a TikTok Business Account: This provides access to analytics and additional features tailored for businesses.

  • Complete Your Profile: Add a profile picture, bio, and a link to your website.

  • Switch to Pro Mode: Enable this to access detailed analytics on your content performance.

Free Resources:

3. Showcasing Your Products Through Short-Form Videos

Actionable Tasks:

  • Create Product Showcases: Film your products from different angles, highlighting their unique features and craftsmanship.

  • Behind-the-Scenes Content: Share your creative process, from sketching to final touches, to give followers insight into your work.

  • Use Trending Sounds and Hashtags: Integrate popular sounds and relevant hashtags to increase the visibility of your videos.

Free Resources:

4. Driving Traffic to Your Website

Actionable Tasks:

  • Include a CTA in Your Videos: Direct viewers to visit your website or shop, using clear and compelling calls to action.

  • Link in Bio: Use the link in your TikTok bio to drive traffic to a specific landing page or your online store.

  • Use TikTok Ads: If you have a budget, consider using TikTok’s ad platform to create targeted campaigns that drive traffic to your site.

Free Resources:

  • Linktree: Create a simple, customizable landing page to house multiple links in your TikTok bio.

  • Bitly: Shorten and track the performance of links to your website.

5. Engaging with Followers and Building a Community

Actionable Tasks:

  • Respond to Comments and Questions: Engage with your audience by responding to their comments and answering questions in your videos.

  • Collaborate with Other Creators: Partner with other TikTok users in your niche to reach a wider audience and create content together.

  • Encourage User-Generated Content: Prompt your followers to share their own videos featuring your products, creating a sense of community and boosting your visibility.

Free Resources:

6. Evaluating the Labor Intensity of TikTok Content Creation

Actionable Tasks:

  • Plan Your Content in Advance: Save time by planning and batching your content creation, filming multiple videos in one session.

  • Utilize Editing Tools: Use in-app editing tools or third-party apps to quickly create polished videos without extensive effort.

  • Assess Your Capacity: Determine if you have the time and resources to maintain a consistent posting schedule, which is crucial for TikTok success.

Free Resources:

  • InShot: A free video editing app to help you create professional-looking TikToks.

  • Later’s TikTok Scheduler: Schedule your TikTok posts in advance to streamline your content creation process.

7. Measuring Success and Adjusting Your Strategy

Actionable Tasks:

  • Monitor Your Analytics: Regularly check TikTok’s analytics to see which videos perform best and gain insights into your audience’s behavior.

  • Experiment with Different Content Types: Test various video styles—such as tutorials, time-lapses, and before-and-after reveals—to see what resonates most with your audience.

  • Adjust Your Strategy: Based on your analytics, focus on creating more of the content that performs well and discontinue what doesn’t.

Free Resources:

TikTok offers a dynamic platform for visual creatives to showcase their work, connect with a broader audience, and drive traffic to their websites. While it requires consistent effort and creativity, the potential rewards can be significant if your target audience is active on TikTok. By following these actionable tips and leveraging the free resources provided, you can make an informed decision about whether TikTok is right for your business and how to maximize its potential.

Related Links:

Happy TikToking!


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